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A cluster of seven brightly colored speech bubbles, in seven different colors, against a sky-blue background.

No, There’s No Free Speech Crisis

The “speech crisis” narrative is incorrect, even as it risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy—and even as lawmakers use it to hammer higher ed, Elizabeth Niehaus writes.

Blue flags with the word "Law" printed on them are attached to lightposts on Yale Law School's campus.

Free Speech Requirements Proposed for Law Schools

The proposal by the accrediting arm of the American Bar Association comes in the wake of multiple incidents of law school students shouting down speakers.

West Virginia University students, many wearing red, protesting outside the Mountainlair.

Hundreds of Students Protest WVU’s Proposed Program and Faculty Cuts

West Virginia University students staged a walkout Monday to oppose the university’s significant proposed employee layoffs and program cuts.

13 Presidents Launch Campus Free Speech Group

A group of 13 college presidents announced the formation of a group to “champion free expression” at their institutions as...
A political cartoon depicts a speaker at a climate summit outlining benefits of action. The bulleted list reads: “energy independence,” “preserve rainforests,” “sustainability,” “green jobs,” “livable cities,” “renewables,” “clean water, air” “healthy children,” “etc., etc.” A skeptic in the audience asks “What if it’s a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?”

What If the Campus Speech Crisis Is a Hoax…

…and we create a better university for nothing? Leon Sachs argues there’s no harm—and much benefit—in taking concerns about the campus speech climate seriously.

A student in a ball cap sits at a laptop with the words "The George and Mary Foster Anthropology Library" on official lettering on the wall behind him, and, on banners below those letters, “You fund displacement why not education?” and “public libraries are not for sale."

UC Berkeley Student Protest Keeps Anthropology Library Open—Kind Of

Student protesters and faculty support dwindled over the nearly three-month occupation of the anthropology library.

Students sit in a lecture hall facing the instructor at the front of the room

‘Teaching on Eggshells’: Students Report Professors’ Offensive Comments

A recent survey shows about 75 percent of students would report professors for saying something they find offensive.

Dean at Center of Stanford Law Controversy Resigns

Months after being at the center of a campus free speech controversy at Stanford University, Tirien Steinbach is stepping down...