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Ask the Right Questions

Candidates for tenure should not count on their departments or colleagues to clearly lay out what's expected of them, Rena Seltzer writes.

Indian Enough for Dartmouth?

Some activists raise questions about appointee to lead college's Native American Program, drawing attention to political debates about who is a Native American and whether such status should matter in higher ed.

Valuing the Faculty

New report argues for more investment in instruction in higher education, to promote student success.

Teaching Ethics: A Key Role for Educators

"Teaching Ethics: A Key Role for Educators" is a new print-on-demand compilation of articles discussing a range of institutions and...

Dating the Dean

Resignation and litigation at Stanford point to complications when an administrator has a relationship with a faculty member in his or her unit, but few colleges have formal policies about such situations.

Newly Tenured ... at NYIT, Quinnipiac, West Liberty

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: New York Institute of Technology Rosemary Gallagher...

Success of Nontraditional Students

The administration's new college Scorecard makes such students invisible, writes U of Phoenix president.

Not Up for Debate?

At Sacramento State, student says she was kicked out of class for insisting that Native Americans were victims of genocide. As incident is investigated, debate grows over whether she was treated unfairly -- and how to handle classroom discussions of this sort.