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First Lesson, Best Lesson

Will Hochman's poem marks the start of a new academic year.

Teach the Ideals!

Students need to grapple with timeless questions and truly consider the possibilities of life, writes Mark Edmundson.

Poli-Sci's Baby Ban

Annual meeting attendees with babies are turned away from exhibit hall of political science association, which blames insurance policy.

Mildly Interdisciplinary

More doctoral students report that their dissertations extend beyond their primary discipline, but most aren't straying far from their original subject of study.

Wiggle Room on Romance

Some say Virginia Commonwealth's student-faculty relationship policy reads more like an invitation than a prohibition.

Fixing Grad School

New books set out agendas for both professors and students on how to change the experience and career paths.

New and Improved Writing in Your Underwear

Brian Goedde explains how he came to embrace online learning for a form of teaching known for its in-person experience.

When the Only Seat Is in Front of a Screen

U of Central Florida is using lecture-capture technology to enroll more students than can fit in its classrooms. But is a live stream a sufficient replacement for a face-to-face lecture?