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The New College Scorecard

The Obama administration releases its revamped consumer tool -- in lieu of a college ratings system -- featuring data on postcollege earnings and how well students are repaying their loans.


Rhode Island College looks to "meta majors" to improve retention rates and push students to make up their minds about a course of study.

Data, Analytics and Student Learning

"Data, Analytics and Student Learning" is Inside Higher Ed's latest print-on-demand compilation of articles. The booklet features articles about trends...

'Undisciplining Knowledge'

Author discusses new book that considers both the positive and negative impacts of an interdisciplinary approach.

Keeping Up With Competency

With 600 institutions at least in the design phase for a competency-based credential, college officials will meet this month to talk about how to build a program -- and how to ensure its academic quality.

Public Good-byes

Recent Dear John letters from academics leaving higher education signal a resurgence in 'quit lit.'

Three Cheers!

An event honoring an exemplary American public intellectual is the hottest ticket in town. Scott McLemee reports on Scialabba-palooza.

Hope in Wisconsin

Madison faculty members say a massive new donation to establish endowed chairs could help keep top professors in the state, despite Wisconsin lawmakers' ongoing funding cuts and attacks on tenure.