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In the Mind of a Student

Professors at U of Wisconsin at Madison hope to find a way to revolutionize teaching, helping teachers find out exactly how their students learn and the best ways to teach subjects students may struggle with.

Killing a Tenure-Like System

State College of Florida eliminates rolling contracts in favor of one-year contracts for all full-time faculty members, even long-serving ones.

'Overflow' of Scientific Papers

Study sees risk of work being repeated and of important findings being ignored.

Do MOOCs Help?

Study explores outcomes in Coursera's massive open online courses, suggesting many learners come away with tangible career and educational benefits.

A Tougher Test for Colleges

Repayment rates may replace default rates as key measure of quality. That's bad news for many for-profit and historically black colleges, and some community colleges, too.

Fearful Asymmetry

Obfuscation: it's not just for post-structuralists anymore. Scott McLemee discusses a book on creating privacy in digital society.

'Houston, We Have a Narrative'

Author discusses new book about narrative and what Hollywood has to offer science.

Posttenure Depression?

Some people struggle with disappointment and disengagement when they move from one rank to another. Kerry Ann Rockquemore gives advice on how to avoid that.