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More Degree Stacking

Number of undergraduates earning a first college credential falls as economy rebounds, according to new National Student Clearinghouse Research Center report.

Back in Black

A philosopher's commitment to fascism raises controversy … again. Scott McLemee is scandalized.

The Evolution of Distance Learning

"The Evolution of Distance Learning" is Inside Higher Ed's latest compilation of articles. The print-on-demand booklet features articles about a...

Not Worth It?

New data from Gallup-Purdue survey find only half of alumni "strongly agree" that college is worth what they spent. Students with experiential learning opportunities and supportive professors were more likely to agree.

Full Time, Off Tenure Track

Survey suggests that adjuncts who work at one institution full time have job satisfaction levels close to those on the tenure track.

Measuring Motivation

Colleges are using a nonacademic skills test from ETS to try to boost graduation rates and in remedial course placement. One university gives the test to all its athletes.

More Than a Postdoc

The University of Southern California starts a program to train recent Ph.D. recipients to be better teachers and maybe get a leg up in the job market.

Are They Learning?

A new faculty-led system aims to answer the question by analyzing student work -- and without relying on standardized tests.