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Humanities Majors' Salaries

Study agrees with conventional wisdom that they earn less majors in other fields, but challenges idea that they gain little (financially) from their degrees.

When Research Becomes Rape

The Anna Stubblefield case captivated academics when news first broke. But with her conviction of sexual assault of an intellectually disabled man, scholars disagree as to significance of case for disability studies.

To Sign, or Not to Sign?

In light of a recent high-profile faculty resignation at Phoenix College, some are asking why other professors asked to sign loyalty oaths don't object.

Advice on Advisers

Sonja K. Foss and William Waters provide guidance on how to create the best relationship with your dissertation adviser.

'Predatory' Publishing Up

Study suggests open-access journals with questionable peer-review and marketing processes now publish hundreds of thousands of articles a year, a huge jump in only a few years.

A Suppression Campaign?

Two new reports raise concerns about attempts “to silence advocacy for Palestinian rights” on campuses.

Novelist Quits Teaching Job Over Loyalty Oath

Arizona is surprised to find out it still requires professors to sign a statement that was common in McCarthy era. And a community college loses an adjunct who was its star professor.

'Texting Pushes People's Buttons'

Colleges are searching for new ways to communicate with students electronically. Could texting be the answer?