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You Can't Sell What's Not Yours

Theology school denies allegations it tried to sell Native American artifacts covered by repatriation requirements.

Advantage: Arrogance

Study suggests having a high opinion of one's intellectual abilities is linked to better grades -- but not necessarily being a good team player.

Who Was That Masked Man?

Writer, professor, tattoo artist … not so daring now, but 60 years ago, it was another story. Scott McLemee on the lost essays of a wild one.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Academic Boycotts and Beyond

Task force charged with evaluating how anthropology association should respond to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict recommends that group take action, and suggests that censure of Israeli policies is insufficient.

'Privilege and Prejudice'

Cliff Wharton -- who led Michigan State, SUNY and TIAA-CREF -- discusses his new autobiography.

Race and Slurs in the Classroom

A professor at Mount Holyoke asked his students to name slurs that might have been used against groups of which they are members. The college helped seven students switch sections, but now one student has gone public with the incident.

Duncan Legacy: Innovation and Regulation

The long-serving education secretary expanded Pell Grants, encouraged experimentation, cracked down on for-profit colleges and took federal regulation into uncharted waters.

Caution on Competency

Education Department's Office of Inspector General criticizes a regional accreditor over its review of competency-based education programs, citing faculty role.