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College Credit for a Boot Camp

Lynn University will issue a semester's worth of college credits for Lynn students who complete a 16-week program at General Assembly, a nonaccredited skills boot camp. Will other colleges follow?

An Attack on Tenure From a Democratic Administration

Connecticut State U professors say proposals for their new union contract, including the transfer of tenured faculty members to another university and expanding the grounds for dismissing tenured professors, read like an attack on their rights.

Dynamic Duos in Science

Having a long-term research collaborator boosts citations, study finds.

Academic Freedom and Compassion

Sacramento State finds no wrongdoing by professor who was accused of insulting a Native American student, nor by the student who challenged what the professor said about genocide.

IUDs to Complete

In New York City, the health department and colleges are partnering to promote a birth control device as a way of encouraging students to graduate.

He Won't Teach Under Campus Carry

A professor emeritus at the U of Texas says he'll leave campus rather than give lectures to hundreds of students who could bring guns.

Let's Bid Farewell to the Carnegie Unit

Educational institutions need a new accounting system to meet the demands of our information economy, Arthur Levine argues.

'I've Got a Hunch'

Members of the Association of Research Libraries pitch ideas about the future of the field during the "first inaugural 'hunchery.'" Holograms ensue.