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Competency as One Answer

Competency-based education is not a panacea for the cost and quality crisis facing higher education – but no one is claiming that it is, writes David Schejbal.

A Qualified Yes on Unit Records

We need a better national data system about college students, but it needs to be designed to put numbers in context and to avoid holding colleges accountable for things they can't control, writes Paul LeBlanc.

Ratings or Rankings?

A new paper by the American Council on Education says the Obama administration's ratings proposal is likely to lead to the same negative consequences as college rankings.

Why We Need College Ratings

We must give students and families the right kind of information -- about multiple factors, and not blended into a single institutional rating -- about one of the most expensive purchases they will ever make, writes Carrie Warick.

One Dupont & Unit Records

A think tank report calls out the private college lobby for opposing a national database on students, which proponents say would bring much-needed accountability to higher education.

What I Learned in College

Evergreen State College's lone graduation requirement is surprisingly simple -- and surprisingly complex.

Ready or Not

New surveys reveal big disparities in how business leaders and the public view higher education and graduates' work force readiness, with some surprising results.

Tough Love for Accreditation

The accreditation process needs to change, an expert writes in a new book, but accreditors are making more progress than their critics charge.