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Accreditation and Autonomy

Our imperfect system of quality assurance is what gives American higher education a degree of independence from the government interference we see elsewhere in the world, writes Alexander Astin.

An Innovation Stifler?

An accrediting agency just approved a free, online university with a largely volunteer faculty. Is accreditation really the squelcher of experimentation it is made out to be?

Going All In on Proficiencies

The University of Maine at Presque Isle is moving away from grades to competency-style education for all of its academic programs, with an announcement that both drew praise and raised questions.

Rejecting the Standardized Test

Sarah Lawrence, faced with the pressure to assess student learning, bypasses the commonly used tools and invents its own approach. It's not nationally normed, and this college is proud of that.

Rating (and Berating) the Ratings

Responses to Obama administration's request for comments on proposed rating system reveal schism between public and private colleges, confusion about goals of such a system, and skepticism about its viability.

Reform Starts With Good Data

A dearth of accurate data makes it impossible for students, families and policy makers to answer basic questions about higher education, write U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Marco Rubio. A student-level system would help provide answers.

Following Student Veterans

Federal agency releases new college comparison site for student veterans and data about where they are enrolled, earning praise from both for-profit colleges and their critics.

For-Profit Wage Gap

Community college students who transfer to for-profit institutions earn less than do peers who transfer to public or private colleges, study finds.