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Dropping the Ball?

Colleges and universities need to get involved in the the rollout of the Common Core curriculum, argues a new paper from the New America Foundation.

Hard Questions About Big Data

The controversy over Facebook's manipulation of data raises vexing issues for educational researchers at a time of great promise -- and risk, Justin Reich and Mitchell Stevens argue.

Leaving the System

More students are leaving higher education after their first year, according to new national numbers that are bad news for the college completion push.

Duncan on Ratings and Debt

In expansive interview about higher ed, the education secretary differentiates about dangers of varying degrees of student debt and suggests colleges might be rated based on whether they improve or not.

Know a Problem to Fix It

States have chaotic lack of consistency in how they track college remediation, according to the Education Commission of the States, which seeks national standards.

A College Loses Accreditation

Southern accreditor strips its approval from Georgia's Brewton-Parker College, and places four others -- Louisiana, Newberry and Paine Colleges and South Carolina State -- on probation.

Complex Problem, Complex Solution

Colorado's fix for remedial education is multipronged rather than heavy-handed, and it seems to be working.

Stop Focusing on Failure

Too many colleges are focusing their analysis of student data to find the students likeliest to fail. Instead, they should identify which interventions will help which groups of students succeed, Dave Jarrat writes.