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A Nudge to Renew

Text messages encouraging first-year community college students to fill out federal student aid form boost persistence to sophomore year, study finds.

Winning Combination for Whom?

Higher-income students benefit most from the extracurricular student engagements a recent Gallup-Purdue study identified, writes Lauren Schudde.

Gauging Graduates' Well-Being

Gallup rolls out the results of an attempt to measure what in college makes for a great life and a great job -- and finds small numbers of graduates hitting both marks.

Duncan in the Hot Seat

Arne Duncan goes to Capitol Hill and gets an earful from House Republicans on gainful employment, the college ratings system and state authorization.

Well-Being and Time

Wake Forest U. looks to measure the lives of its students and alumni.

How Much Regulation Is Just Right?

With debate raging over college ratings, David R. Anderson asks a straightforward question and outlines an answer.

Getting Their Act(ion)s Together

In effort to ward off mounting criticism of accreditation, the seven regional agencies collaborate to align their punishments and how they impose them.

Box Scores and College Ratings

In an open letter to Arne Duncan, Thomas Foley compares how success is defined in the education secretary's beloved sport to methods of measuring higher ed performance.