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Big Completion Goals in Texas

Texas joins the college completion agenda with new goal for 60 percent of its young adults to have college degrees or certificates by 2030.

Beyond the Transcript

Associations of registrars and student affairs administrators will work with eight colleges on prototypes for a new form of transcript -- a comprehensive record that includes learning outside the classroom.

Celebrations, Not Tests

One professor has banned exams in the classroom in favor of "celebrations," placing the emphasis on how much students have learned and away from scores they've earned.

Designing a Federal Ratings Tool

With the Education Department rethinking its approach to rating colleges, Tom Allison offers ideas on how best to provide data to prospective students.

Finding a New Compass

ACT decides to drop its popular Compass placement test, with a nod toward research showing that Compass funnels too many community college students into remedial courses.

Lingua Franca for Credentials

Lumina Foundation creates a group to develop a framework and common language for the growing number of credentials, which range from degrees to alternative forms like badges and industry certifications.

CAEPed Crusader Ousted

Without explanation, accreditor of teacher training programs forces out its founding leader amid criticism from colleges and unions.

Education's Moment of Truth

The increasing availability of data about the learning process can help professors better understand how they can help students, Fred Singer writes.