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Measuring Motivation

Colleges are using a nonacademic skills test from ETS to try to boost graduation rates and in remedial course placement. One university gives the test to all its athletes.

Are They Learning?

A new faculty-led system aims to answer the question by analyzing student work -- and without relying on standardized tests.

A Tougher Test for Colleges

Repayment rates may replace default rates as key measure of quality. That's bad news for many for-profit and historically black colleges, and some community colleges, too.

Do MOOCs Help?

Study explores outcomes in Coursera's massive open online courses, suggesting many learners come away with tangible career and educational benefits.

Success of Nontraditional Students

The administration's new college Scorecard makes such students invisible, writes U of Phoenix president.

Data, Analytics and Student Learning

"Data, Analytics and Student Learning" is Inside Higher Ed's latest print-on-demand compilation of articles. The booklet features articles about trends...

Defining College

Amid talk of higher education's possible disruption and unbundling, the Association of American Colleges & Universities stakes out an aggressive middle ground. Are people listening?

Establishment Goes Alternative

Seven major universities plan to create the University Learning Store, a joint web portal for microcredentials, featuring online content, assessments and tutoring.