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Building a schedule that may have to change.

Using Research to Build Resilient, Student-Focused Institutions

We're in a crisis, but with some sound research and data collection, we can navigate through it.

How to Be a Better Citizen

Reflections on citizenship in the time of COVID-19.

How to Make the Academic Enterprise More Resilient

Sustainability is as important in the academic world as in the natural environment.

Fostering Student Success Outside of Online Classes

How can student affairs and academic support staff best serve students who are mostly no longer on campus? Jeff Doyle provides seven recommendations.

Federal Research Is the Key to Solving the COVID-19 Crisis

Now is the time to invest even more in it, write Janet Napolitano and Dr. Carrie L. Byington.

Academics' Online Personas in a COVID-19-Disrupted World

Communicators and marketers can help academics prioritize their digital communications presence. The Thinkers50 top management experts serve as a valuable reference point.