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True Lies

Scott McLemee reviews A Brief History of Fascist Lies by Federico Finchelstein.

Friday Fragments

An apology, working from home, enrollment projections and a quirky fact.

‘MBS,’ Saudi Arabia and Academic Freedom

Who gets to think and write freely in higher ed?

We Need to Rethink What Counts for Tenure Now

Especially in light of COVID-19, we must ask ourselves as scholars how our connections with students and other audiences should shape the work we choose to reward, argues Joy Connolly.

What About the Students?

The pandemic has taught us that the greatest challenge and obligation we face is recognizing that our students are among its most severe and overlooked victims, writes Billie Wright Dziech.

Colleges Are Not Light Switches

Colleges must start planning now for reopening in the fall, Karen Gross writes, as adjusting to our new educational environment won’t be fast or easy.