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Academic Prioritization and the Faculty’s Social Contract

In an era of downsizings and eliminations, our belief in that contract and how we view our professional identities are key to moving ahead as a cohesive, united faculty, writes Brian Peterson.

Anti-Racism and Your Alma Mater

Why not encourage millions of alumni to go back to college for professional development on how to address systemic racism in our country?, Joe Walsh asks.

Mix-and-Match Messaging

What if we marketed online classes in ways that reflect how students actually use them?

What Will Remain?

As colleges and universities return to in-classroom teaching, what practices that emerged during the pandemic will carry over? Shigeru Miyagawa and Meghan Perdue offer some answers.

Guest Post: Looking Outside Academia for Insights on Sustaining Strategic Innovation

The apparent contrast between a “look inside” versus “look outside” is really a complementarity.

Suicide Prevention Shouldn’t Be Optional

Failing to mandate suicide prevention training at colleges and universities isn’t just misguided or negligent, argues Melody Moezzi. It’s ignorant and reckless.

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Doctoral Studies

Elisa Modolo offers recommendations based on what she wishes she’d known back when she was a graduate student herself.