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Overcoming the 4 Pain Points of Publishing

Nicole Mansfield Wright offers recommendations for navigating the obstacles you must surpass to publish your academic book.

Paying It Forward

LGBTQ leaders in higher education play a significant role in modeling an out career, writes Dick Senese.

Sharpening Communication Skills Blunted by the Pandemic

As we return to our normal work lives, public relations practitioners need to dust off interpersonal skills dulled by pandemic restrictions and adapt them to improve Zoom interactions, which are here to stay.

3 Mental Shortcuts That Could Undermine Your Job Search

Irina Filonova explains how confirmation bias, misremembering and the GI Joe fallacy can stand in your way -- and how to identify and avoid them.

It’s Time to Do Away With the GRE

The test favors the wealthy and discourages minority talent, writes Michael Hunt.

Needed: New Designs for Decision Making

To address the complex challenges higher education faces, we need new approaches that foster collaboration and innovation rather than inequity and distrust, Jordan Harper, KC Culver and Adrianna Kezar argue.

Stop Using the Language of ‘Normal’ for Face-to-Face Academic Work

When constant campus interactions are a tax on productivity and job satisfaction.