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OER and Teaching Through the Rearview Mirror

Course content is a sacred compact between the instructor and the learner. Truth, relevancy and currency are among the key components of that agreement.

5 New Realities to Know About College Hunger

The pandemic shines a bigger spotlight on the issue of college students with food insecurity and how their institutions can support them, writes Rachel Sumekh.

Using the Past to Guide the Future

Texas turns to past studies to illuminate strategies for supporting transfer students and contextual considerations that are still relevant today.

Submit Your Retirement Plans for Ranking

Only somewhat tongue-in-cheek, longtime presidential spouse Mort Maimon holds up his wife’s approach to retirement as a model for a new contest.

What Do We Mean by Educational Innovation?

Let’s not treat innovation simply as a matter of technology, efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

A Proven Strategy

Virtual advising is disrupting the pandemic’s devastating toll on lower-income high school seniors, increasing the access they need now more than ever, write Angel B. Pérez and Nick Watson.

3 Strategies for Inclusive Pedagogy

Jamie Landau has found that a communication and racial justice perspective has enabled her students -- and her -- to rediscover their voices.