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Oral Exams in a Virtual Classroom

Offering exams in that format can be beneficial to both the instructor and the students in multiple ways, writes Kevin Sun, who provides recommendations for faculty who are considering it.

Streaming Workouts, Home Gyms and Campus-Based Learning

Why the future of residential education is seamless, social and personalized.

A Natural Experiment

Both the use of COVID-19 stimulus funding to pay back outstanding student debt balances and federal relief proposals have the same major flaw: they are one-time options, writes Catharine B. Hill.

Sharing Our Stories

The ups and downs of building a dissertation -- the process itself -- are components of academic work that we should reflect on, learn from and share with each other, argues Lucy H. Partman.

Youth’s Role in Social and Cultural Transformation

Generational cohorts drive changes in the cultural landscape.

Let’s Skip the College Application Mania

The press needs to stop covering admissions as a game, writes Patrick O'Connor.