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It Worked

Test-optional admissions was just the start of the changes in Indiana University admissions last year, writes David B. Johnson.

The Fix to Student Work Readiness? Provosts

With the availability of work experiences for college students at an all-time low, chief academic officers have the power to save the day.

The Power of Peer Networks

Shoba Subramanian, Maggie Gardner and Beth Bodiya share advice for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and educators on how to develop trainee networks for enhancing professional growth during training and beyond.

Reading ‘The State Must Provide’ Through a DE&I Lens

Why every educator should read this excellent new book about the history and impact of America’s HBCUs.


Forgetting the lessons of the last year and a half would be devastating.

Texas Abortion Law Threatens Academic Freedom

While the law has received much warranted attention, including numerous legal challenges, what’s missing is the risk for educators of potential lawsuits, writes Andrew Joseph Pegoda.

Creating a Learning Work Culture That Meets Professional Needs

Tasha Coppett, Liz Green and Suzy Nelson describe programs and critical success factors for empowering staff members to create an environment of continual learning and improvement.

The Problem With Audiobooks

How technology, monopolistic platforms and certain business models combine to exacerbate inequality.