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Providing Holistic Health Care for Veterans

To address student veterans’ health-care needs, certain components should be in place, Nancy L. Montgomery writes.

Focus on Net Revenue, Not Discount Rate

Contrary to common perceptions, the tuition discount rate isn’t a measure of institutional financial health on its own, Gregory Matthews writes.

A Strategy for Onboarding New Campus Leaders

Patrick Sanaghan describes the importance of establishing a learning network to help new presidents and other top administrators get to know the institution and gain vital feedback.

Why the First Year Matters Most for Transfer

Using the Ask-Connect-Inspire-Plan framework to improve transfer.

A Case for Multilingual Universities

The English-centric practices of U.S. universities have many detrimental effects, writes Jeffrey Herlihy-Mera.

Pandemic Collaborations

Anahí Viladrich and Vivian Louie share long-term lessons they’ve learned during COVID about forging research partnerships.

A History of Health for Our Time

How a classical historian succeeds in placing the pandemic in transhistorical perspective.