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You Can’t Ignore That a Pandemic Happened

A recent Times op-ed unfortunately flattens what should be a more nuanced and complex discussion.

Lifelong Learning for a Changing Workforce

State universities must step up to address employer demand for tailored, knowledge-based degrees to help employees meaningfully advance in their careers, Jim Shea writes.

Experimenting With Teaching to Improve Outcomes: Part II

Richard J. Light describes what happened in a course when he asked the students themselves to lead parts of each class.

The Case for ‘Teaching Machines’

Audrey Watters’s meticulous account of ed tech’s predigital origins.

Doubling Pell Isn’t Enough Without Deeper Reforms

The Pell Grant should be doubled, but it should only be applicable to institutions where Pell combined with other forms of grant aid covers 80 percent of the cost of attendance, David Ferreira writes.

Quitting Academic Twitter

For scholars who may be reconsidering the utility of their accounts, Christopher Schaberg suggests some negative aspects to contemplate and questions to ask themselves about the platform.