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Applying While Aging

After reaching a point in my life where I can finally put my career first, I’ve discovered that the available job openings do not flow to middle-aged women, Lori M. Reagan writes.

Are We Taking Gen Ed for Granted?

In light of survey results showing disconnects in general education, colleges can take steps to create more intentional, intelligible programs, Jennifer Hart writes.

Students Can Change the Culture of Mental Health on Campus

Colleges must maintain a continuous presence and emphasis on mental health within student life, writes Geela Ramos, an Active Minds student advocate.

Statement or No Statement?

A test for whether to issue an institutional statement on national issues and crises.

Language AI Don’t Know No Grammar

I thought the ultrasophisticated language algorithm would understand the rules of grammar. I was wrong.

Equitable Pathways to Upward Mobility

How to create more equitable pathways to workforce success.