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The LaRouche Youth Movement

Followers of "the best economist in the world today" are coming to your campus. Scott McLemee reads their literature without giggling.

The Press Continues to Press

Not to get all sentimental about it, but one of the highest purposes of a free press is to expose...

Opening Offers, Counteroffers, and a Tip for the Newbies

At my cc, some terms simply don't get used. Some are the predictable grad school-ish buzzwords: “counterhegemonic,” say, or “problematic...

The Shamrock Principle

The student loan scandal has raised questions about all of higher education's commercial relationships. College leaders, not politicians, should define the conversation, writes Jonathan Brown.

Summer Reading

A devoted reader writes to ask, “What should I be reading this summer?” I too like reading lists. They’re the...

When You've Got It, You've Got It

The Girl's birthday is coming up, and we're at a loss for ideas for presents, so the whole group piled...

I Love My Commute

Douglas King lives 120 miles from where he teaches -- and he couldn't be happier.

Findings from the Road

There is a heaven after all Studies find that fast food tastes best when eaten by tropical crows