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8 Things

I'm not usually one for memes, but having been tagged by both Dr. Pion and Lesboprof, here goes. I have...

More Than Band-Aids

Colleges and Congress should respond to the student loan controversy -- but they should do so expansively, not with patchwork solutions, Frederick M. Hess and Juliet Squire argue.

Job-Hunting While Pregnant

I'm wondering if you or your readers can shed any light on the issue of women being pregnant while on the job market. Every academic woman planning to become a mother has to weigh the timing of a pregnancy very carefully, and the general assumption is that you never want to be pregnant while you're on the job market. When you think about it from the perspective of the woman, however, we're often weighing many issues that can conflict with each-other: for example, whether a pregnancy is more feasible during graduate school--even with dissertation writing and teaching--than it is when you've gotten a tenure-track job, the question of when we can count on having health insurance, and the possibilities for any maternity leave. Most of the time, I think women try to time pregnancies so they can deliver a baby at the beginning of the summer and extend their time at home, but the timing of the (lengthy) academic job market process kills this possibility since anyone getting pregnant in the late summer would be very visibly pregnant during job interviews.

Ask the Administrator: Job-Hunting While Pregnant

A new correspondent writes: ------ I'm wondering if you or your readers can shed any light on the issue of...

An Anti-Progressive Syllabus

In the era of anthologies of criticism, Mark Bauerlein has some ideas of works to add.

Freezing in Florida

This is part three in what has become a series. Last year, the University of Florida attempted to come to...

CC Teaching Loads

In my CC system, faculty members can teach a 5-5 or a 4-4 load. If we choose the 4-4 load, we do service work in place of the 5th course. I'm in English, and I'm gratefully taking the 4-4 option, to stay sane with fewer papers to grade. But how unusual is this arrangement? How many other CCs will allow a 4-4 load? I live in an expensive state and would love to move to a cheaper one, so I'm wondering, if I am able to get another job at a CC, how likely is it I'll be teaching a 5-5? And how do English teachers manage to teach 5 courses a semester, many or all of which are writing-intensive?

Ask the Administrator: CC Teaching Loads

A returning correspondent writes: ------- In my CC system, faculty members can teach a 5-5 or a 4-4 load. If...