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Vietnam, Penultimate

Back at the end of February I set out to blog about Spring Essence, a collection of poems by an...

Help Harvard Spend Its Endowment

Where Most Needed is a blog that follows what it calls "the charity industry." Its author, in a recent post...

Ask My Readers: Students Who Outplace

When they apply for admission at my cc, prospective students who haven't placed out already with SAT/ACT scores or AP...

Pottering Around

The end is near! Scott McLemee checks on the scholarly response to Harry Potter as devotees await the final chapter.


During the academic year, there's a pretty good degree of synchronization on campus. Most people are around frequently enough that...

Stop Starving Our Urban Public Universities

Underfunding colleges that serve large numbers of low-income and minority students risks turning them into "dropout factories," Stephen Jordan writes.

The Girl at Three

The Girl turned three last week. She's very different from her brother. With The Boy, you can see the man...

Going Global 101

J. Michael Adams and Angelo Carfagna offer 10 tips for internationalizing your college and its curriculum.