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The Wrong Traditions in Admissions

It's time for real change, not just tinkering, in how colleges admit students, writes William E. Sedlacek.

Ask My Readers: First Time Teaching at a CC

A grad student in psychology writes: I am an ABD grad student and am teaching my first class at a...

Robbing the Rich to Give to the Richest

Congress is taking money from lenders to help students afford college. It should also make colleges -- the real fat cats -- spend more of their own money to do the same, writes Lynne Munson.

"I've Done Everything You've Asked Me To Do!"

One of the less lovely aspects of my job is talking with faculty whose promotion applications have been denied. There's...

Off the Shelf

Ever dreamt of weeding out the excess books in your office? Scott McLemee interviews a professor who did the deed.

Ask the Administrator: "We Don't Really Like You, But..."

An already-employed correspondent (it's relevant) writes: ---------- I am not sure, but I think that I may have just received...

Better Than Expected, Worse Than It Seems

Gary Orfield, Erica Frankenberg and Liliana M. Garces write that colleges and their students will suffer because of the Supreme Court's desegregation decision.

University Presidential Memoirs

University presidents are a varied lot: some charismatic and charming, some dour and solid, some charlatans and others true believers...