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The Future of Spousework

Colleges need to pay more attention to the role of presidential partners -- not only for their sake but for the presidents and institutions, writes Teresa Oden.

Ask the Administrator: Should Textbooks Count?

A new correspondent writes: I would appreciate your insight on a situation I am dealing with at my community college...

Students and Campus Leadership - I

However much they intend to be strong advocates, student body presidents are too easily coopted, writes Chris Odinet.

Students and Campus Leadership - II

When they look to their institutions' presidents, students aren't getting inspired, writes Justin Elliott.

Guest Blogger: Benjamin Cohen

Today, my friend Benjamin Cohen graciously provides the goods. Ben is an environmental studies scholar who teaches Science, Technology, and...

Ask the Administrator: Am I Selling Out?

A returning correspondent writes: Well, here I am having just completed my first year as a tenure track faculty member...

Sailing from Ithaka

There's a new report on the future of digital publishing in academe. Scott McLemee thinks you should drop everything and read it posthaste.

Pricing By Major, Revisited

I don't usually do back-to-back posts on the New York Times, but this Sunday's issue provided atypically fine fodder. According...