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Ask My Readers: How to Make a Career Decision?

A new correspondent writes: I have a career decision dilemma, and I'm not sure where to go for help/advice.After receiving...

Open Library

Imagine if world's most complete card catalog were just a mouse-click away. Scott McLemee chats with a young programmer who is making it happen.

Adjuncting Your Way In?: An E-pistolary Exchange

This originated as a private email exchange, but after it developed, my correspondent asked me to post it to the...

FERPA Allows More Than You May Realize

Nancy E. Tribbensee and Steven J. McDonald write that the federal privacy protection law doesn't prohibit much of the communication colleges need to protect students.

Monday Musings

I'm not proud of this, but a few nights ago TB and I were reading Pirates Past Noon, an installment...


Wick Sloane, assessing the annual meeting of the business officers' group, urges them to take responsibility for college costs. Someone has to. Who better?

Look at Me! I'm a Scientist!

I wish . No, I’m merely lounging on science’s deck, drinking its beer and waiting for the steaks to come...

Ask the Administrator: Do CC Students Miss Out?

A prospective college student writes: I'm about to start my college career as a freshman at our local community college...