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Ginsberg Again

Brown University student, 2007: ' as to end up flaccid, immobile , alone on the carpet of a dorm room...

Looking the Part

There's an eyebrow-raising discussion over at New Kid's, in response to a first person piece in the Chronicle. I didn't...

I Was a Progression Requirement Pusher

Todd A. Diacon comes clean on a practice that many colleges accept without question, but that he writes is more about convenience than about education.

Behold, A Black Horse

Yep, just as Revelation predicted, on the heels of war comes famine—the strange self-chosen famine of the overfed society—announced by...

Ask the Administrator: ABD Seeks JOB

A returning correspondent writes: I am in the midst of completing my dissertation,wrestling with 250 pages of text at the...

Encouraging Assessment From the Ground Up

Donna Engelmann suggests ways that colleges can help professors embrace the process as meaningful instead of viewing it as a bureaucratic chore.

Ask the Administrator: Adjunct Course Development

A new correspondent writes: I am a recovering adjunct. I still teach a fewcourses but I am now doing more...

The Faculty Role in Stopping Cheating

It's time for professors to talk about expectations of academic integrity and the specifics of what's allowed, what's not and how to handle whatever isn't clear, writes Timothy R. Austin.