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EXT. BENCH NEAR STUDENT CENTER - DAY A PROF eats his lunch from a Styrofoam bowl. Enter his acquaintance, who...

The Sounds of Silence

Evil HR Lady gave me a heads-up regarding a question she received about adjoining faculty offices, when the respective faculty...

Chemerinsky and Irvine: What Happened?

The explanations still don't answer the key questions, and that should concern those who care about academic freedom, writes Jon Wiener.

Projects, Promises, and Bank Shots

There's a great pair of posts up over at Bardiac's dealing with frustration over repeated overpromising (and selective guru loyalty)...

Truths R Us

The AAUP's new statement on "Freedom in the Classroom" redefines reality, writes Peter Wood.


Every fall semester is the shock of the new. The courses repeat; the classrooms don't change; but every September there's...

After Work

The Girl, her big pink teddy bear, and I are sitting on the couch in the family room. TG: Let's...

The Education of Crazy Larry

Crazy Larry, the struggling actor, is in a commercial run of a good play, which got him signed recently with...