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Ask the Administrator: Are Your Alums Good Enough to Teach for You?

A new correspondent writes: I'm a sophomore at a snooty-but-trying-not-to-be Private Liberal ArtsCollege who has recently discovered your blog and...

Searching for Islands of Success

The country is pouring billions into science and math education. Let's make sure the money is being spent wisely, on programs proven effective through rigorous evaluation, says W. Robert Connor.

An Open Letter to Mayor Richard M. Daley

Dear Mayor Daley, I've seen some idiotic pronouncements over the years. “The insurgency is in its last throes,” “The Segway...

The Bulldozer and the Big Tent

Is Todd Gitlin a "left conservative"? Scott McLemee interviews him for a podcast and considers some afterthoughts.

Ph.D.'s at CC's

An alert reader noticed my passing comment in a post last week and wrote to ask why I would support...

On Serving as President and Provost ... at the Same Time

Having both positions gives Susan Herbst new ideas about their roles and their relationship.

Another Sign of the Apocalypse

One of the drawbacks of writing with a pen name is the restriction it places on topics. I can’t tell...

Taxing the Sports Factory

Since at least the early 20th century, it has been fashionable to attack college athletics as distorting the priorities of...