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AASHE 2008 - Tuesday, Nov. 11

So if the title is "Tuesday", why am I posting this on a Thursday? Simple -- when the conference ended...

Motherhood After Tenure: the Pedagogy of Parents' Night

Last night I attended a parents’-night talk on healthy eating at my daughter’s preschool. I had no intention of going...

Birthing Pains and the Emergence of a New Social Narrative

Beverly Daniel Tatum considers why, as so many students rejoice in the election of Barack Obama, some campuses are experiencing racial incidents linked to the election.

Responses to the Gates Foundation

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced that community colleges will be the next beneficiaries of their largesse. A...

ABCs and Ph.D.s: Frills, lace, and dressing for success

I know that my mother and mother-in-law laugh at me behind my back. After all, I’ve taken some pretty ridiculous...

Saying Farewell to a Man of Letters

The late John Leonard was a one-man cultural-studies symposium. Scott McLemee reminisces...

A Promising First Novel

TB, who is in second grade, wrote his first novel yesterday. With names changed, and sans the distinctive illustrations, an...

Stuck on Student Learning

As Measuring Up 2008 prepares to grade higher education progress on a variety of fronts, most states' efforts to gauge academic outcomes have stalled, writes Peter Ewell.