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Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

A new book reflects on the writer as migrant. Scott McLemee tracks it down.

Ask the Administrator: Time to Step Down?

A department chair at a SLAC writes: I have served two [three-year] terms as department chair, and no one has...

Research in the eating lab

There's been a thread recently on the Green Schools List about the impacts experienced by colleges and universities which have...

The Illusion of Race-Blind Admissions

Many critiques of affirmative action fail to understand how decisions are actually made, writes Julie Vultaggio.

Mothering at Mid-Career: The Balance Thing, again

A colleague, rushing out the door, popped her head into my office briefly. "You don't happen to have any secret...

Ask the Administrator: If You Could Build a System...

An Australian correspondent writes: I n Australia we're hearing about the benefits to students of being taught by Faculty who...

Think globally, AASHE regionally

OK, just one more post emanating from AASHE 2008, and then I won't mention it again. I promise. Unless I'm...

Another View of Bias

William Major writes that he can't imagine punishing or rewarding a student for political reasons. But he wonders how much grades may be determined by whether professors like or dislike students.