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Tax Credits? Hmm...

According to IHE, President-elect Obama has supported a fully refundable tax credit of $4000 for the first two years of...

'Who Moved My Cheese,' Higher Ed-Style

Mice in a maze and little people: for many (especially faculty) who work in higher education on any number of...

Math Geek Mom: Teach Our Daughters Math

The American Mathematical Society recently published a study ( Cross-Cultural Analysis of Students with Exceptional Talent in Mathematical Problem Solving)...

My! Oh, my! Oh, Myco!

Lost among the stories about the ongoing election, NPR's "Day to Day" program on Tuesday carried a bit about a...

Motherhood After Tenure: Michelle Obama's Dress

Of all the possible reactions to Barack Obama’s historical victory this week, I wasn’t prepared for a lead story about...

Turning Down Internal Candidates

This has recently become salient in my world, again. Internal candidates raise all kinds of issues – information asymmetry, historical...

Lessons of a Summer Teaching Online

Amy Overman found rewards, but not those she expected, in her first experience offering a class through distance education.

Exit Poll

The jubilation on campus last night after the winner was announced was so loud, even at a distance of a...