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E-books and Colleges

This weekend Randall Stross asked "Will Books be Napsterized?" in the NYTimes. Writes Stross: "Until now, few readers have preferred...

Career Coach: More on Women and Work Styles

I thought all of the responses to last week’s post were terrific. Differential treatment can be hard to talk about...

The Importance of Mentors

Terri Givens considers the lessons learned and confidence gained from those who encouraged her -- and her obligation to do the same for others.

A System for Fighting Digital Defamation

Benjamin Bleiberg and Joseph Storch propose a way to help victims combat the Web sites that vilify college students.

What Philip Graham Knows

Today I’m pleased to bring you an interview with Philip Graham, author of the novel How to Read an Unwritten...

Tandberg, Cisco and Lecture Capture

The announcement today of Cisco's offer of $3 billion to buy the video conferencing company Tandberg could potentially have significant...

Thoughts on Hiring Outside Academe

There's a thought-provoking piece in IHE this week by Charles Middleton, President of Roosevelt University, about hiring senior administrators from...

Math Geek Mom: Not so Happy Meal

Ok, so I admit it. I am not a good cook, and, on top of it, I spend a lot...