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The Misguided 'Online Skills Laboratory'

While seeking to make college more affordable and accessible, the Obama administration has launched a worrisome but largely unnoticed assault...

On children's literature and academic administration

I've been going to a lot more meetings this year than I've done in years past — it's a mark...

The Shuffle, or, The Hidden Cost of Savings

With the budget situation continuing to worsen, we're often unable to replace people when they leave. When the people in...

Apple's Podcast Producer for Lecture Capture?

The EDUCAUSE annual conference offers the best opportunity each year to spend time with educational technology companies in order to...

Standards and students

Curricular innovation has been a hot topic on the Green Schools List ( email "subscribe grnsch-l" to the past...

I'm Sorry I Published

Ever since this piece on the hiring process in philosophy was published in Inside Higher Ed, there has been a...

Change Through Debate

Academe has a unique ability to promote political civility in the United States, writes Susan Herbst.

For, Against, and That Elusive Third Category...

In a couple of discussions on campus this week, I've had variations on this exchange: Prof: So this is why...