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Mutual Aid Society

Did humanity evolve with selfish genes? Scott McLemee looks into an alternative theory

Ask the Administrator: Online and Onsite Treated Differently?

A new correspondent writes: Most department heads/chairs are fair. That's something I'll just spot for the sake of agreement. Some...

Hey, Dr. President -- get ready for a road trip!

Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman has two recent NYT op-ed pieces, It's Easy Being Green and Cassandras of Climate. Krugman points...

Podcasts for Learning Technology

Podcasts are essential for keeping up with news and trends at the intersection of learning and technology. Time is our...

Helping Women in 100-Hour Couples

Colleges need to embrace specific policies and also to promote flexibility if they want to recruit and retain female faculty members, write Karine Moe and Dianna Shandy.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Where I work

Once a week or so I leave my house in the morning at the usual time, bag packed, computer stowed—but...

Learning About Learning Design

Most everything I know about learning design I learned from my former colleague Frances Rowe, Director of Instructional Design at...


Word has it that my state is considering requiring students to file FAFSA (Federal financial aid) forms as a condition...