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Ask the Administrator: How to Change a Culture?

A regular correspondent writes: I'm hoping your wise and worldly readers can shed some light on my anonymous, and of...

Blackboard's Smartest Decision

The smartest decision that Blackboard has made recently does not involve a new feature, acquisition, policy change, or marketing strategy...

Send your voice to Copenhagen

So now we hear that President Obama is going to stop by the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen, while he's...

5 Mama PhD-Related Things I'm Thankful For

--My son, who turned 15 over the summer, is a great person, someone I would want to know even if...

If There'll Be Snow

When classes were finished and Thanksgiving break started last week, my family and I blew out of town so fast...

'The Cusp of Every Bibliomaniac's Dream'

It is possible that I have too many books. There, I said it. (That felt weird.) Heading off to visit...

Looking Like Work

To the surprise of absolutely nobody who knows me, I'm a fan of The Big Bang Theory. In a recent...

Unplugged for Thanksgiving

Do you plan to unplug for Thanksgiving? Will you leave the laptop at home as you travel to spend the...