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Define 'Frill' and Use it in a Sentence

Your “frill” is not my “frill. “ My frill, in fact, is an essential component of the work I do...

Early Birds

Though I'm not sure I'd want to try it, I'm intrigued by the move proposed by Daniel Klaich, the chancellor...

My K-12 Blind Spot

We are a mixed LMS household. My 7th grader uses Moodle, I use Blackboard. Watching her use of Moodle to...

Long Distance Mom: Bra burning and Debutantes

“I am woman hear me snore.” I still own the cover to Helen Reddy’s much beloved 1972 album “I am...

ABC's and PhD's: Family leave

I found this article in the University of Maryland student newspaper last week describing an effort to expand family leave...

Decline of the West

Cornel West's latest book is a memoir. Scott McLemee thinks it marks the end of the line.

Be Prepared

Mary Sies saved -- and shares -- every question she was asked in her job search, plus advice on how to answer.

Wednesday Wonder Cabinet

Ever wonder how to handle an aggressive student in a writing workshop, who just happens to be a notorious serial...