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(Skilled) Self-Presentation

Timothy Burke wonders whether students -- despite all the speaking they do in college -- learn how to talk about themselves and their ideas.

A Response to Michael Berube

A few alert readers called my attention to this post by Michael Berube, in which he attacks my response to...

The Long Tail of Teaching Talent

The tail of teaching talent in your institution is longer then generally recognized, and it extends to your librarians and...

Career Coach: Still More on Gender Balance

As usual, I was fascinated by the responses to last week’s column. I am still looking for the place where...


Two recent instances of professorial plagiarism - New Zealand novelist Witi Ihimaera and, allegedly, Ohio State University mathematician Azita Manouchehri...

5 Networking Strategies

Think you don't know anyone outside higher ed who can help your job search? Sabine Hikel says you do.

A Defense of the Lecture

Adam Kotsko questions the idea that small discussion-based courses are the ideal form of undergraduate education.

Guest Book Review: Give My Poor Heart Ease

Give My Poor Heart Ease : Voices of the Mississippi Blues. William Ferris. The University of North Carolina Press, November...