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The Beloit College 'Mindset' List

Much like new parking stickers, greetings from the dean, freshman orientation, long lines at the campus bookstore, and the reception...

Motherhood After Tenure: Feeding our daughters

Like many who enjoyed Elizabeth Gilbert’s travel memoir Eat, Pray, Love, I’m excited to see the film, but wary, since...

The Company We Keep: A Cautionary Tale

In international higher education, we are judged by the company we keep. Thus, it is of great importance that universities...

OMG !!!

I was thinking, over my second cup of coffee, just how blunt, accusatory, vehement, vituperative, vicious is the verbiage used...

Confessions of a Trailing Spouse

Last winter semester, I didn’t teach. It was by choice, but it was a choice that dates back to 2001...

County fair!

I’ve come to the end of a three-week writing retreat. My husband and I have both been working on writing...

Stop Admitting Ph.D. Students

Professors can help the job market if some of them refuse to accept more doctoral candidates, writes Monica J. Harris. That's what she's doing.

The Mild Torture Economy

Being a full-time human guinea pig is a service-sector job -- with needles. Scott McLemee looks at an ethnographic report.