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Remembering Brian Flowers

Brian Flowers, 1924-2010 I've just said by last farewell to a former boss while welcoming a new one. Brian Flowers...

Assess and Adjust

Whether or not you are satisfied with what you accomplished between academic years, it's time for some self-evaluation, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

To What End?

While there is much to celebrate in the "completion agenda" so many community colleges are endorsing, Terry O'Banion says some of the premises need scrutiny.

"Wherefore art thou," . . . Wait, who are you, again?

Guest blogger, Afshan Jafar, writing from Connecticut in the USA. Photo: Afshan Jafar Afshan Jafar For a while now, everywhere...

Ask the Administrator: Ranks

A new correspondent writes: Why are ranks at Community Colleges sometimes different from those at 4-year schools? For example, my...

Comic belief

I often have two or three books going simultaneously, one or two of them "serious" and one much less so...

eBooks - Year Two

Greetings, dear reader, and welcome to DigitalTweed. Launched in 1999 as a column in Converge Magazine, DT later appeared in...


Hurricane Katrina helped convince much of higher education that there is a tremendous need for emergency planning. And many of...