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So What Are You Going To Be When You Grow Up?

“So what can you do with a degree in Cultural Studies?” I felt the deer-caught-in-headlights look come over my face...

Toward Answers

In this week's kerfuffle about the New Faculty Majority – from which other administrators seem to have learned that such...

Math Geek Mom: The Deep End

Last week, I watched my daughter giggle as she made her way down the water slide at our public pool...

Technology projects for the new academic year

As semester schools begin their academic year, and quarter schools brace for the start of the fall term, what types...

Habitability check

A while back, I was excoriated for stating that a four degree centigrade rise in average temperature could render much...

Back to Elementary School

Teacher education professors shouldn't just study K-12, writes Shaun Johnson. They need to know what it's like to be in front of the classroom.

Saving Stimulus

This is one of those “individually rational, collectively insane” moments. The New York Times reported that some of the federal...

Open Access and the Library's Missing Mission

Dorothea Salo has an interesting post at the Book of Trogool. She wonders about the mission of academic libraries, and...