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Would Free College Boost Humanities Majors?

I asked, and 266 people to answered that question.

Uncloaking the Hidden Force of Whiteness

Our antiracism work on campuses often fails to examine how such pervasive, systemic whiteness protects itself, writes Michael H. Gavin.

Friday Fragments

An unusual September, a survey crashes and burns, the “community college wage penalty” is discredited, and the uses of “notwithstanding.”

Espionage! (Not)

Scott McLemee reviews Ralph Engelman and Carey Shenkman’s A Century of Repression: The Espionage Act and Freedom of the Press.

Yale in Houston

Houston represents America’s future, and higher ed is not stepping up to meet it, Ryan Craig writes.

Selecting Empathic Leaders: 4 Qualities to Seek

In an era of disruption, when top administrators face intense scrutiny, key characteristics can foster resilience and model traits that reflect the core of university life, writes Michael Patullo.

Beneath the Student Loan Crisis, There’s an ROI Crisis

The reality is college doesn’t pay off for many graduates—and until we’re more transparent about that, the student loan crisis will be a recurrent one, Chris Keaveney writes.