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Getting Through a Job Search With More Than a Job

Ph.D.s can find plenty of advice about how to land a position but a lot less about how to manage the emotional challenges the process entails, writes Douglas Hannah.

Why It’s So Hard to Turn Your Dissertation Into a Book

I recently ran a faculty workshop about transforming your dissertation into a book. It made me reflect on the very long, painful and isolating process I went through when I was a junior scholar.

The Decline of the Book Review

The state and fate of book reviewing.

The Freedom to Disparage and Be Disparaged

Colleges and universities should adopt policies prohibiting the use of nondisparagement clauses in any legal settlements, John K. Wilson writes.

Climbing Out of a Research Rut

Erin M. O’Mara Kunz was at a loss about how to get out of hers, but after posting a tweet, she received feedback from other professors that was overwhelming in the best way possible.

While You’re at It

A lesson from ACICS for accreditation generally.