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The Bookworm Turns

Will getting an e-reader change your life? Scott McLemee takes one step forward, two steps back....

Propelling Joint Projects

Clear expectations and regular communication are key, writes Eszter Hargittai.

The Rhythm of Online Teaching

Thought I'd try an experiment of sharing with you some of the best practices I'm trying to write up about...

Ask the Administrator: The "Disloyal" Dean

A foreign correspondent (I’ve always wanted to write that) writes: Let me begin by admitting that I created my own...

Symbols in the Classroom

Lund, Sweden Europe has been shaken recently by debates about the presence of religious symbols in schools. In Italy crucifixes...

So 20th century

My grandfather has been dead for quite a few years, but he's still teaching me. He worked well into his...

Return to the Observatory

Jeffrey Ross writes about why he took his 9-year-old son to his alma mater, and how he tried to share the liberal arts values he learned there.

A case for free, timely access to world university rankings data

Well, the 2010 QS World University Rankings® were released last week and the results are continuing to generate considerable attention...