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When We Say "College," We Don't Mean You...

Sigh. The New York Times strikes again. This time it’s with a four-part colloquy of important people discussing “why are...

Why Matterhorn Is Good for Everyone (Including Lecture Capture Vendors)

Great story today on IHE about OpenCast's release of Matterhorn 1.0, the open source lecture capture system. The story ends...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Latch-Key Kid

Over the 15 years that we’ve had children in school, my husband and I have managed not to have latch-key...

Hugo Chavez Transforms Venezuelan Higher Education

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, in office since 1999, has been steadily transforming the country’s higher education system. Supporters find the...


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an important part of the ‘learning machinery’ that both sheds light...

Half-Truths on a J-School

The move by the U. of Colorado to replace study of journalism with study of information should concern all who care about an informed, democratic society, writes Michael Bugeja.

New Year, New Habits

Kerry Ann Rockquemore launches a new series for junior professors.

Dear Professor, I Want To Be Your Friend

Boston, USA. In the six years of teaching at my university, I’ve gotten to know my students on a variety...